colourful vegetables including tomatoes and carrots

The NEW Salsa Standard: Brokers, Storage & Distribution

Great news: SALSA’s certification scheme is now available for those involved in the brokerage, storage and distribution of food products.  Launched in June 2021, the new SALSA standard is a great certification solution for smaller … Read more

5 Key Food Safety Facts Worth Knowing

Food safety refers to the practices used to ensure food is safe to eat; from preparation and distribution to storage and beyond. It concerns all the steps involved in preventing food-borne illnesses. Following proper food … Read more

person writing on document

Why Are Risk Assessments Important?

It’s important for any business to conduct risk assessments to keep both people and assets protected. But how exactly are they carried out, and what does the law require you to do? In this article, … Read more

restaurant kitchen where people are preparing food

What is a Food Safety Management System?

A food safety management system (FSMS) is defined as ‘a systematic approach to controlling food safety hazards within a food business in order to ensure that food is safe to eat’. It’s essentially a documented … Read more

Business training with people looking at documents and computer

Why is Food Safety Training Important?

Whatever the industry you’re in, training your staff is essential for maximising performance and efficiency, and minimising risk. When it comes to food safety, however, this is even more crucial. Negligence or poor management in … Read more

Covid-19 – We’re Here to Help.

A Guide for Restaurants The hospitality sector is the third largest employer in the UK, and one of the potential industries that will be hit hardest during this pandemic. Many of our clients are facing … Read more