ATP Monitoring Systems and How They Are Helping the Brewery Industry

A major challenge for brewers is to make safe, quality beer that maintains consumer confidence, meets expectations and keeps costs and wastage to a minimum. Quality assurance for any business owner is majorly important, particularly in the food and drink industry. Fortunately, there is a solution which is helping the brewery industry in the simple form of a rapid ATP Hygiene Monitoring test.

The ATP monitoring systems are easy to use, extremely sensitive and affordable. The EnSURE Touch is the most recent development of monitoring systems, a more advanced version of the SystemSURE Plus. Industries across the board are starting to use these systems due to the rapid detection of contamination. Cleaning efficiency and hygienic status are quickly determined which helps businesses to ensure food safety, improve product quality and reduce costs. 

atp monitoring system - SystemSURE Plus

The key benefits of this system include:

  • Small & lightweight
  • Sensitive – detects down to 1 femtomole of ATP
  • 100 programmable test locations
  • Stores 500 results
  • Simple to use, menu-driven
  • Operation from the keypad, or touchscreen on the EnSURE Touch
  • Results in 15 seconds
  • Self-calibration

Monitoring systems are making it easier for breweries to monitor and improve sanitation, whilst protecting their brand reputation. ATP monitoring is the perfect tool for the brewery industry as a way to measure the effectiveness of cleaning procedures. 

Brewery Case Studies

One of the four breweries chosen by SALSA (Safe and Local Supplier Approval) was Langham Brewery. They were hand-picked to trial a brewery focused standard for beer called ‘SALSA plus Beer’.  The standard is now active, having been successfully approved and launched across the UK in June 2015.

A core element of the SALSA standard is strong and provable hygiene. The brewery attributes much of the breweries’ success in producing high-quality beer to maintaining high sanitation processes. A fundamental part of these processes is ATP testing using the SystemSURE Plus.

ATP testing is simple and affordable, and the results are instantaneous. Like most businesses, breweries rely on a quick turnaround. The ATP monitor allows this quick turn around by validating the cleaning process. This instils confidence in control systems, brings peace of mind and helps businesses to make financial savings due to improved quality control and avoidance of spoilage. 

If you would like to find out more information on ATP Monitoring, please call 0845 026 7745 to speak to one of our experts, or send your enquiry to Alternatively, you can find out more information at